This page is for general, high-level discussion about Wiki Spot. This is a page that is most useful to communities who are active on Wiki Spot — communities may interact but require a centralized place to discuss matters relating to Wiki Spot. The idea behind this page is that it will be a central hub for all "meta" wiki discussion pages. Also see the FAQ.
Mailing list: we have a mailing list for general discussion which you can join by going here. We try to keep important things on the Wiki Spot hub, though. Some twisted individuals like email for unknown reasons.. You can view
some archives on the web.
IRC: #wikispot on the freenode network is sometimes populated with wiki folk. Also, #daviswiki has an active IRC community happy to assist sister wikis on Wiki Spot. See IRC for more information about how to connect.
See also FAQ, Feature Requests and Bug Reports.
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2007-04-23 06:49:15 So, I have an idea I've been toying with and would like some critical feedback. In Santa Cruz County, a large portion of the community is made up of people who speak Spanish as a first language, as well as many others who have learned or are learning spanish as a second or third language. (I myself am learning spanish.) I'm trying to figure out of making a bilingual wiki would work, and how it would work. I'm thinking that using the preface "Espanol/" to spanish pages would be useful in differentiating between english and spanish pages that essentially are the same articles. Are there any bilingual wikis anyone knows of that I might look to as examples? What do you guys think of having a bilingual wiki? What could be potential problems? I'd love to read anyone's comments about this. —MaryLieth
Prefacing all of the pages with Español/ would be a good kludgey way to start it out, or havingh a subpage "/Español" of a page have the other version. Ideally, it would work something like the "Talk" pages, where you could switch between spanish and english. Or have users go to Spanish or English pages by default. I'm not sure what a really good way to accomplish this. I do know that I want significant internationalization (i18n) of the wikis, so that people could choose a language in User Settings. However, I'm not really that good at spanish, and I want someone who could translate the help files really well. If you could find someone, I'd be happy to help you on this idea of a bilingual wiki. —BrentLaabs
2007-04-23 19:35:54 Here in Toronto, we have over 100 languages spoken, so for our city wiki to truly reflect the reality on the ground and in the homes of the people who live here, we have to be multi-lingual right off the bat. What we sort of have decided upon is to use sub-directories off of existing English language pages, with the name of the language that page(s) is translated into. For example /Front_Page/Spanish or /Front_Page/Espanol is what we may end up using. We also hope the different pages will interlink with each other, and to start we have this one:星島日報 for the Sing Tao daily Chinese language daily newspaper which is our city's 3rd biggest newspaper overall. We haven't figured it out yet, but we really need to build the city wiki upon a multi-lingual foundation before scaling becomes an issue. Any thoughts are really appreciated! —HimySyed
Wow, I had no idea that Chinese was so popular in Toronto! But anyway, what I was also wondering was how different structures would merge. For instance, would a Spanish wiki and an English wiki about the same space be developed as two different branches, or would they be completely intertwined, with each page having a twin in another language? Wikipedia, for example, tends to run in a the "branching" format, where the different languages seem autonomous from one another. But I wonder if this would be the ideal format for a community wiki, simply as a reflection of the community itself. I mean, English speakers and Spanish people live together in the same place, coexisting in the same community, even though interactions between people from different cultures may be stunted due to perceived differences. So doesn't it make sense to do the "twin pages" network instead? Also, look the community influence the Davis wiki has had on the city and people. I can see the language divide as being more of an issue in Santa Cruz. I don't know, I'm just throwing around ideas right now, maybe this isn't the time or place to be concerned about this issue.— marylieth
2007-04-26 20:43:18 Philip and everyone else building new city wikis... I created '' to be a space where generic pages specific to city wiki building could be made available for new admins. I find myself both inspired by DavisWiki and RocWiki and perplexed by the need to so easily cut and paste so many of the basic citywiki pages from there. Not Davis nor Rochester specific content pages, rather pages like the create as templates, using your RealName page, some photos (granted this is an easy fix, just upload my own equivalents) like the DavisWiki troll.jpg, the front page, the wiki_community pages and so forth. So perhaps to conclude my tome, citywiki.wikispot can be home to a bundle of generic pages to quick-start city wikis for long term city wiki building... what think? —HimySyed
Great idea! In the future we can also have a specific set of "preloaded" pages depending on what topic you intend for your wiki. —PhilipNeustrom
Looks like we work fine on the One Laptop Per Child XO:
I ordered a bunch of Wiki Spot Stickers. If you live in sf or
davis and want some then leave a note on my page (or ask me next time you run into me)! —PhilipNeustrom
2007-06-07 19:41:41 How can I change the page in my wiki to which the main header title of my wiki links? I think that could also be worded, how do I change the default page that opens in my wiki? It was "Front Page", but I wanted to rename that and not have a redirection from "Front Page" to the new page. —michaelbrooks
Right now you'll have to keep a "Front Page" around, either as a redirect or as a real front page. The Front Page is special as the "default" page of the wiki. We should add this as an option in Wiki Settings. (I've added it to Feature Requests so it's not forgotten). —PhilipNeustrom
2007-06-22 06:37:31 Anyone want to help build the Berkeley Wiki with me? It'd be nice to work with others to distribute the work and start building this thing. —AbhiYerra
The best way to get going is to make a few edits. I'll notify the
gnomes that you are looking for help. —JasonAller
2007-07-30 18:42:17 I noticed that the LinksHere macro seems to have a problem (what I'd consider a problem, anyway). I have two pages, A and B. A contains a link to B, but B does not contain a link to A. Now I place the LinksHere macro within each page. B correctly interprets a link from A to B, and lists A in the pages that link to B. A (in my opinion) shouldn't report B as linking to A since, afterall, it doesn't really. However, it seems that A can see that B's LinksHere macro links to A, and so adds B to its LinksHere section. I don't know if that makes any sense. The problem could be solve, I think, if the LinksHere macro didn't count LinksHere links on other pages as true links. —michaelbrooks
This should be fixed now! —PhilipNeustrom
2007-08-13 04:09:14 Yikes! Now when I click on "People" page, I get the message "Corvallis Wiki Does Not Exist". :-( —RichLindvall
You probably had an old window open. If you refresh your browser it should be working right — gotta go to "" to start, though.
2007-08-15 16:08:54 Thanks, Philip, for the tip on not having multiple events boards. I'll make the changes. Also, would it be possible to change the name from LBCHEN to NWOregonCHEW on the Wikispot directory? I'm sort of making this up as I go and decided that in order to achieve critical mass I needed to broaden the scope of the wiki. (lots of homeschoolers in Salem!) —RichLindvall
I changed the shortname of the wiki from 'lbchen' to 'nworegonchew', so it lives at, now. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-08-27 04:40:21 Hey Phil' I can't get the youtube code to work? Maybe you haven't added that yet... How about opening a wmv in a new window (tab) so that the link isn't lost... it's for this page so you can see what I mean. —Gord
Hey there. We haven't figured out how/if we're going to do with embedding content like youtube videos. There's a Q for this on the FAQ page, and some questions it poses.
As far as new windows: we have things set so that all external links are just usual external links and open the way the browser is set to open them. Some people set their browsers to open external links in new tabs, windows, or in the same window (usually how it's set by default). That said, there are a lot of sites that use javascript to force external links to open in new windows. This causes some annoyance for people who want to open the link a new tab. I don't think there's a good way to deal with external links except to leave them be and suggest right clicking to open a new tab (most people know how to do that, when they're told, I suspect?) What do you think? —PhilipNeustrom
I did see something the other day on adding youtube to wikis' and how to embed them, but really... it's not needed.
I actually already placed it, as an external, and made the note... so I'm good with that. —Gord
2007-08-29 09:11:08 I got a bit of code showing up at the top of my page
Know how I fix that, and how it got there?
I wonder if I should report it as a bug?
-thanks- —Gord
Yup — that's a bug :) This should be fixed now. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-10-09 20:24:11 This may have been answered elsewhere, but how do I enable users of LBCHEW to get the RSS feed from the Events Board directly to their email? How do I find out my URL? —RichLindvall
2007-10-22 21:24:51 Hi I'm wondering what the difference is between the "local" wikispot project and wikitravel (e.g. [WWW] So I'm really a big fan of wikidavis, and I'd like to do the same for berlin (where I live), but I dunno whether this is a good idea, given the already big network of wikitravel. However, the projects seem different, but my ideas about these differences are confuse (every day life vs traveller's tips). Perhaps you could help me here to weigh the pros and cons ?
Thanks —philacour
2007-10-22 21:28:43 wikifarm or wikimum Hi everyone. What if one could be able to grow a wiki in an incubator like wikispot, and then become independant and migrate to some other place ? Are there any code-bridging facilities available ? Does it go against the ethics of wikispot as a farm ?
Thank you —philacour
2007-10-22 21:35:04 Question for MaryLieth and HimySyed I'm quite interested in your discussion about the multilingual wiki. I believe the "toronto" solution is the best. But I'm currently adding to it a trick allowing systematic "language links", in order to have twin/mirror pages instead of the branching out system of wikipedia. For the moment, it's just a "That page in French/German" type of link (my wiki is a german/french one). I'd like to have your opinion on that, for I don't think it's entirely satisfying to have such a "twin-like" wiki growth.
See there:
and the "mirror" page:
Best —philacour
2007-12-09 05:41:00 May I get a one-time backup of the NLUG site? We are getting ready to transfer the domain name and make wikispot our primary web-information service provider, and I would like to have a base-line backup so we can say we are safe from any disasters there. I talked with JabberWokky in IRC about this topic tonight, and he suggested I post here. —matthewcraig
This weekend I put together an initial export function1. I've got an export of the nlug wiki for you — how should I get it to you? I can post it on the web but I'd only like to do that if you're comfortable (do you have any private pages?)
Here is a public-level export, but if you give me an email address I can send you an admin-level one (though there's only a tiny tiny difference if you have no private pages!) The format is
documented on this page. —PhilipNeustrom
Thanks for your efforts on creating this archive. This will make the team more confident in making wikispot our sole website and archive for information. An email would be great, because I would like to forward the attachment to a half-dozen team members and create a so-called distributed archive of the data. I will get my email to you in a non-spam-harvestable way.
2007-12-28 21:43:15 Where do new wikis get their initial content from? Jason and I are trying to gnome the default pages so that there a note about not every entry needing a tab (some are appearing with sixteen tabs!), and some other "after observing common mistakes" support for the original admin getting things set up. —JabberWokky
default in theory, but there's no code to do it automatically. You (in particular) can check in changes to share/initial_pages/
2008-06-28 04:35:20 Hi there. I just signed up to start a wiki and got an immediate email with a url for me to click to activate the wiki. Unfortunately when I clicked that link I get the following error message:
Invalid email link. To create a wiki you must follow the link send to your email account.
Any suggestions? —AndrewThomson
I'd try it again — the link to create the wiki is only valid for 30 minutes. If that doesn't work, paste the link here and I'll take a look. —PhilipNeustrom
2008-07-14 20:28:31 Our local CSA is deciding whether or not to use wikispot for our nascent wiki (vs hosting a wiki locally on our server). We have some concerns and questions. This seems like the place to pose them:
How much space does each wiki get? We want to make sure we have room to grow.
There's no fixed limits - just within reason. Provided you meet our community guidelines, then we will work to make sure your project has a good home. —PhilipNeustrom
How often is my wiki (all our wikis I guess) backed up locally?
We run a backup script that copies over the current database (containing all of the wikis) to another machine in our data center every day or so. We want to set up constant replication to another machine in the data center, but nobody has done this yet. We're likely to purchase additional drives for the current server and set up replication soon. We could definitely use help with any of this, or donations to help fund it, though — we're a community-run effort! —PhilipNeustrom
Just in case, how easy would it be to export my wiki to import on my own site (say pmwiki for example?) —davidbessler
We can provide you with an export of the wiki in a
machine-readable format, so you could probably easily import that content into another wiki engine (or do other fun things with it). —PhilipNeustrom
2008-07-21 00:43:16 Why is the login text displayed as blue on black, it is almost invisible? —Lance
It's aesthetics, with blue being an element of the color scheme. Some monitors show it poorly though, you're right. —PhilipNeustrom
2008-10-12 09:12:21 nice precedent seemles or really good idea to copy and redirect westsac specific pages from davis to westsac? —BlueDot
You should probably ask the
Davis Wiki Community and possibly the West Sac community. There are people who are for and against it on Davis last time it came up, and it wasn't done. Personally, I'm against it, as an entry in the Davis Wiki reflects the Davis perspective of the place, which includes such things as "it's really far from 80, so it's hard to get to" or cultural issues that may not generally apply to the mindset of a different community like West Sacramento (see the Sacramento News and Review for instance - a list of pick up locations in Davis or articles focused on Davis doesn't make much sense in the Sacramento entry, while the KSTE entry notes which radio hosts live in Davis). Also, each wiki community has different editorial traditions that might wipe out or add things that were appropriate or inappropriate on the originating wiki. The West Sacramento Wiki is for the people living in West Sac, of which some Davis topics might be useful... others of which would not be. Duplicating and modifying would make more sense in many cases (see
the Davis Wiki copyrights entry... and keep in mind that different wikis hosted here can have different copyright licensing). My view is that individual wikis aren't categories for interwiki editors to move things around between — they are each distinct resources for and by a given community, so there is no real need to segregate entries into a single wiki. The entries can be copied and customized by the receiving community according to their needs and culture. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
sorry. —BlueDot
No, no! Don't be sorry! I'm just presenting my opinion and the reasoning behind it. It's not law, and unless a given wiki involved does have a strict set of rules (some do), it's more of a philosophy to be applied on a case by case basis than a "Thou shalt not" commandment. Basically, respect the individual communities involved and realize that entry overlap between wikis isn't bad for the communities using those wikis and in fact often carries benefits. Those are just my observations and editing philosophy regarding that particular issue, not me saying that your suggestion was bad or wrong. And again, it's more up to the individual wikis in question than it is up to us interwiki gnomes spanning across multiple communities. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
2009-01-10 22:58:22 Dear WikiSpotters, I'm about to embark on starting a new city wiki (, for Baton Rouge LA) and was wondering if you folks had any opinions on how to best go about starting a new city wiki. Specifically:
- How much structure / content should be on the wiki before going public?
- How many rules or how much organizational structure should be in place?
- What is the role of city wikis in the age of Google Maps and Yelp?
- How do we avoid having the city wiki become a catalog of the area's Starbucks and other mind-numbing chain stores?
Tobin —TobinFricke
2009-01-12 01:07:20 Greetings folks, I made a request at Using a custom domain name/Talk. However the edit did not show up in recent changes, and it seems that the Fresno request hasn't been met yet. Is every thing okay? Be well, -Greg Bard —GregBard
Your edit did show up in Recent Changes. It probably didn't show up in Interwiki Recent Changes because you're not "watching" the wikispot hub. To watch the hub, click on the link that says "watch this wiki" that's in the upper right corner of the page under your name. —WilliamLewis
2009-01-12 06:36:31 Flickr Is there any easy way to include an image from flickr? —TobinFricke
2009-01-17 06:24:03 I want to get a wiki together for Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario (inspired by RocWiki). Turns out "kw" is taken for a Wiki Spot name, with never having been edited. Is there any way to reclaim a wiki? —MichaelDruker
The question was valid, but I went with "k-w" instead to just get started. —MichaelDruker
In general, we contact the wiki admin and see if they respond. Then we figure out what to do — usually we can hand off the wiki without incident. —PhilipNeustrom
2009-01-20 10:41:29 Disregarding the confusion about a wiki versus a wiki entry, there's a entry here that Graham had zeroed out with a notice. I restored the content and left the notice in place, but I'm fairly certain that there was an actual wedding wiki that had popped up in the very early days of Wiki Spot, asked if it was okay, and we had all agreed that it constituted a community, as it was facilitating a non-commercial event among members of several families. Do we want to change that? Personally, I see no problem with it. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
2009-03-02 19:36:04 I'd just like some feedback as to whether or not a recent administrative action I made here was justified. The Themes page has been the target of vandalism from some IP addresses originating in Brazil. These people dislike the fact that we have a MediaWiki theme on there and have been removing it and vandalizing other pages claiming censorship when we put it back. This morning, a vandal replaced the contents of the page with hardcore pornography. I reverted it of course. Additionally, I permanently removed the edit because I believe that the wiki spot hub should be work-safe. It would be unfortunate if someone were going through the edit history of that page and suddenly they had a screen full of porn staring them down. Should I do things like this in the future, or do you think a revert comment warning that porn exists in the previous version is sufficient?
I don't think this matters much, but a revert comment is likely sufficient. I've permanently deleted porn from the Davis Wiki front page before, though. —PhilipNeustrom
2009-03-04 13:30:02 hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-) —Stations
2009-04-19 16:10:36 Two questions: 1) We have a number of older people using our wiki. One consequence is that they occasionally forget the username they create to gain access to wikispot. Any suggestions on how to help them out? 2) Since our wiki is in French, I needed to write instructions in French on how to join wikispot and gain acess to the wiki. To do so, I created a number of dummy usernames, so I could test the consequences of various actions in trying to join. These dummy usernames have no further use. Is there any way to delete them? I suppose there are lots of dead and inactive memberships at wikispots; nevertheless, my fussbudget soul thinks I should clean up after myself. —Harvey (maddaze at the wiki adld) —maddaze
Just go to the bottom of each user's User Settings page, and click the "Disable this account forever" box, and then confirm the deletion. —BrentLaabs
2009-05-14 17:23:46 Ok! question on the use of windows vista and attendant browser, etc. On my laptop, which uses windows vista home, the wikispot wikis (especially daviswiki, since that's what I'm looking at mostly) do not load properly and give continuouls "you are not authorized to view this page" errors. Any thoughts? is there some setting I have wrong? halp! —RocksandDirt
Oh hell. I just was IMing with somebody who described that (with a new wiki) on their work computer, but could see the site on their iPhone. We just chalked it up to new admins playing with the settings. Can you view
gnome? Any chance you can work with me to track it down? See IRC to jump into the chat. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
heh. I'm not with that machine now. I'll try to see in more detail what's up this evening. If you discover an easy fix post it here and I'll try to try it! —Rocksanddirt
I'm worried that it's a system wide think for Windows machines. Can somebody verify that they can see
Davis Wiki on Windows and/or Vista? Rockanddirst — what version of IE were you using? —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
Did this just start happening for you?
2009-06-11 00:06:23 I remember seeing documentation describing interwiki page includes - but cannot seem to find it anywhere. Anyone seen such a reference or know how to do it. I am working across BufWiki, RocWiki, and Syracuse Wiki and would like to share common page content among the sites. —BradMandell
There has been talk of adding interwiki includes to Wiki Spot, but most people seemed to think that it was a bad idea. It was never actually done. Also, since RocWiki isn't part of Wiki Spot, includes to and from there would be problematic. —WilliamLewis
2009-08-15 04:09:22 Hello everyone, what is the difference between "" and ""? Will both urls take you to the same page? If I edit one, will the other be automatically updated? Thank you. —GiuseppeDeLuca
The first is a page on the Wiki Spot hub wiki, and the other is a wiki created by someone using the Create a Wiki page. They are different things. —JasonAller
2009-09-08 02:21:01 Is there a way to automate the process of migrating from outside to wikispot? Hundreads of pages and PNGs to migrate to this service. —exerciciosresolvidos
Right now there's no automated way for us to do this for our communities. In the future, hopefully there will be something. If you had a programmer then you might be able to migrate using some home-brewed scripts. —PhilipNeustrom
Only thing that comes to my mind is a macro recorder, for automatizing the mouse clicks, copies and pastes. —exerciciosresolvidos
It seems to me that
shell scripting is probably easier. —WilliamLewis
Ah, there is pywikipedia, there is a base bot for porting around. Too bad I don' t know py :( —exerciciosresolvidos
Found a very lazy way of doing this: easy macro recorder. I recorded a series of 20+ clicks, select all, copy and paste actions. Then I played it and voilá, automatic page creation. Not really a script or bot, just a series of recorded mouse and keyboard actions. PS: This method is so crude that it only works if there is a strick pattern of clicks to follow, if one button or link isn't exactly at the same position for every repetition or one action depends on a conditional, or if one of delays between actions is not fixed, then it doesn't work at all.
2009-09-14 17:54:55 With tables I can make a two collumns text, however tables aren't meant for that. What do I do float text or imagens if there aren't div tags? Oh, found out that tableclass can be used to mimic div and span tags, it's a bit strange to use single cell tables just to colorize text or float images but it works. —exerciciosresolvidos
2010-01-29 23:19:56 How can I change the words 'front page' to 'welcome!' on the bar below the wiki main logo, and also, can I change the bar's colour? Thanks. Come over and check out The Liverpool Wiki!—ChrisGibson
2010-02-22 00:40:52 Is there a way to display an uploaded (text) file in the browser, rather than forcing a download of the file? —ChristopherOnken
2010-03-27 02:20:25 I want to send the following letter to a business whose website was spammed on the hub recently. Does anyone have an opinion on this letter or if it's even appropriate? I am curious as to who this Philippine spammer is!
My name is William Lewis and I am an editor on The Wiki Spot project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to providing resources for communities to collaborate online. Pursuant to our non-profit status, for-profit entities are prohibited from using our service to promote their business.
On March 26, 2010 at 7:57:05 PM Pacific time, an unregistered user with the IP address (registered to Globenet in the Philippines) created an entry entitled real estate on that included a single link to the website (blanked) with the link text "Palm Beach Houses." Based on the link format, the person who is doing this spamming is targeting wikis running the MediaWiki software package which is used to run Wikipedia, among many other sites.
It appears that you have hired a firm to perform "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO). Please be aware that the techniques used are considered to be "black hat." The use of such techniques can cause serious damage to your reputation because spamming is antisocial. Such techniques are also easily detected by Google and will likely lead to your site actually ranking lower than it did before. For these reasons, I suggest that you cancel any agreement you may have with the company who did this spamming for you and that you demand your money back. Furthermore, we at Wiki Spot have seen this spammer in the past and are interested in who they are.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
William Lewis —WilliamLewis
Go for it! I'd be wary of getting too tangled up in a web of stress, though! —PhilipNeustrom
I've emailed a few of the companies asking for who they hired, doing a nice letter explaining that we are a volunteer staffed non-profit, etc. I've never gotten a reply. The one that does the semicolon prefixed contact info seems to have squarely targeted Wiki Spot. Actually, if we collect the IPs, we might be able to iptable ban them, which would cut out about 2/3rds or so of the wiki creation seo spam. -jw
2010-07-28 20:56:09 On BuffaloWiki, I'm formatting a table I've used a million times for multiple locations and it's not working. Can someone please check this out for me please? I'm stumped-thx —
Here's the problem page:
It's one of the "most common rare problems". Probably because it seldom happens, but when it does, it's frustrating to figure out. Oddball non-standard spaces or "invisible" characters that you can't see but are changing what the markup means. I've only found one trick you can use them to do something useful with them on an english language wiki, but since they are often part of other language sets, all the tamil, mandarin and other non-romance language wikis out there need them. —jw
There was a hidden unicode character at the end of the table. I re-typed the || part and it went away.
Funny thing is I did that 5 or 6 times and it didn't take....wierd. Thx Phil! -["PeterBoulay]
2010-09-12 16:27:02 How old is this sight? —WilliamStoneSr
We've been hosting wikis here since the launch of our first wiki,
Davis Wiki in 2004. Wiki Spot officially came together because of the various wikis we were hosting in 2007, and Local Wiki, our latest effort (specifically targeting geographic communities) was started in 2009. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
2010-09-14 22:45:39 I just created a new wiki. I don't see some features that I've seen on other wikis. For example, it would be useful to be notified by email when a particular wiki page changes, especially for the administrator. Is this an option?
Also, a feature that I have not seen on other wikis as I recall would be to allow threaded discussions. —PeterBlicher
2010-09-16 19:49:20 Just in case this isn't affecting everyone, we're finding the Search function is broken, and has been for hours.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/srv/sycamore_base/Sycamore/", line 763, in run
self.config.page_front_page).page_name, self)
File "/srv/sycamore_base/Sycamore/", line 133, in do_search
File "/srv/sycamore_base/Sycamore/", line 508, in process
s.connect((server_address, server_port))
File "<string>", line 1, in connect
error: (110, 'Connection timed out')
Thanks for the note! fixed
2010-09-16 20:07:20 Many thanks! —Mwanner
2012-01-09 16:04:27 how do i add post to my page?
2012-07-26 14:01:22 I created a wikispot and while trying to modify the administrator list, I somehow excluded myself as admin. Now I can’t add any more users, etc. ( —GaryLaxton
"2012-10-14" Recently the ChicoWiki look was changed, which is fine. However, for some reason my editing permissions have been reset. Now we have some spammer, and it can't be removed. How can some spammer edit, but I can't? I contributed thousands of articles and hundreds of pictures. I am no longer active daily, but I still monitor the thing. What happened? —User/GregBard
Hey Greg, just saw this. You'll need to reset your password (just once) to log in. Did you try that and was editing still restricted? (Also, emailing you so you see this) —PhilipNeustrom
2012-11-11 16:35:04 How can we embed HTML code into our wiki? On other wikipedia platforms it is possible to write small HTML into the post of a certain page by using <html>"the code itself"</html> . This allows you to embed fun stuff such as videos and work pages into the wiki page. —alexsenciuc
2014-04-09 14:01:09 Hi guys, I just dropped in a request to put a wiki on Deaf Studies on wikispot/localwiki. I was just wondering how feasible it would be to have a dual media (written English/British Sign Language videos) wiki?
Jonathan —JonathanDownie
2014-11-01 18:54:13 I need help deleting a page a friend and I have made several years ago; it contains a lot of personal information and I don't feel safe with this info out there. I tried contacting <contact AT wikispot DOT org> but they will not respond, could an administrator or someone with mod powers please get back to me on this? —robfox
If you haven't already gotten assistance, feel free to email me: and I'll see what I can do to help. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards, (814) 889-8845
E-mail sent; waiting for response. Thanks! —robfox2
2014-11-20 07:41:07 How do i Can register recruitment agency in nepal?? —Sudarshansapkota
This is a non-profit charity for helping real world communities. It does not sound like your group fits. You might try a different site hosting service. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
- 1It's not good enough to be web-based yet because it's too slow. Soon, hopefully, but this is a great first step