I'm the website guy for smadarcsa. If you need anything from me, please just post a comment below.
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Welcome! If you have any questions or need help with anything feel free to ask on the FAQ or Community Discussion pages. I'm sure you've seen the Community Supported Agriculture page on the Davis Wiki — when your wiki is developed it might be a good idea to link to your wiki from that page. —PhilipNeustrom
2008-08-12 08:09:39 Hey, I threw together some CSS files which should make your site look a little better: layout.css and
style.css. Not tested in IE or anything, but it should work a little better in the header. —BrentLaabs
2008-08-15 02:39:28 thanks for that Brent. I saw the difference with thw "welcome, username" and the parentheses around the links. Were there any other changes? —davidbessler