Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Downtown Office Tower Elevator in between floorsTorontopedia! and
http://www.Wikisauga.CA, the city wiki for Mississauga, Ontario Canada.
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2007-04-24 23:22:06 You just reminded me how beautiful Arabic is! —PhilipNeustrom
2007-10-06 18:14:35 hi yes it does. Though my problem might be more "structural" since I'm planning to create a thoroughly bilingual wiki, with a french "mirror page" for every german one, and vice versa. I'm working on a "This page in French/German" sort of banner, placed in the right corner of the page, but it does not look good, at least so far. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.
Keep in touch
Philippe —philacour
2007-12-30 10:09:41 How about this as a tinylogo.png for
citywiki? —JasonAller