Would you like to help Wiki Spot? Well, there's lots of things you can do. You can always Donate some moolah. But Wiki Spot is a community-driven effort, built on the spare time of of a few individuals — we can use a lot more. Help the features you want the most: this is your wiki, after all.
What Everybody can Do
You can edit pages on wikis to help improve them.
Promote your wiki (that you started or that you participate in) to your community through Propaganda
We need a few people to work on internationalization for different languages — the main wiki content and the help files need to be converted. i18n Qapla'!
Suggest and implement new features! See Wiki Spot Development and Feature Requests.
Hey, there's always editing pages to improve them.
Create a wiki and share your interest with the world
Cruise random pages on wikis from the Wiki Directory, and help gnome across the wikiwikiworld.
Support your fellow wiki editors who ask for help.
And of course, since it hasn't been mentioned, you can edit the pages on various wikis and help improve them.
If you are Skilled with Computers
If you're good at CSS, you might want to help design a few Themes.
We need someone to design a new map system, which works similarly to Google Maps and the [[address()]] macro, but similar to the Davis Wiki java map. The goal is to have a map system that is free.
Find one of the bugs listed on To Do, and try to solve the problem — see
Sycamore and the source code
Suggest and implement new features! See Wiki Spot Development and Feature Requests.