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Name: Nathan Jensen-Horne

I'm a developer at [WWW] My wife and I live in [walnutcreek]Walnut Creek, California with [walnutcreek]Molly, who graciously keeps us on retainer in exchange for scritches and kippers. I'm also [wikispot]Graham's cousin-in-law. My email address, in super-cryptic spam-proof syntax, is nate dot horne at gmail dot com.


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Hi Nathan. I just started [WWW], unaware that you had wcwiki going. PhilipNeustrom gave me the heads up about it, though, and I thought it would be cool to collaborate. Let me know what you think. Just comment on my page or email me at jnsuzuki AT gmail DOT com :) -JennSuzuki

2007-10-05 19:19:24   Hey Nathan, just a reminder that it's a good idea to put up some form of non-wiki contact information on the Walnut Creek Wiki page. —PhilipNeustrom

2007-10-29 16:52:48   Re: Template bug: That one is very odd. I am unable to reproduce it; I created and deleted the template (on another wiki) and it no longer prompts for it. I also note that it isn't showing up any more in the WC Wiki. You might want to file a bug report about it, as it seems to be a software issue with Sycamore (the software that wikispot runs on). —JabberWokky

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