This page is for discussing the contents of Themes.
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Does anyone have any theories, usability-wise, why people keep replacing (or reverting) the files on this page?
No Clue in general, but I just reverted the Sandstone-Css-Files to the original version because someone (not the author) changed them to a style which did not work. (hanspeter, 02/17/08)
Thanks for noticing that — must have slipped through! I reverted a couple more, too. —PhilipNeustrom
I'm going to be reverting all changes to this page that don't come with an accompanying explanation (people are making mistakes and deleting the themes here). —PhilipNeustrom
I locked this page for 24 hours (as of 11:17 AM, 1/12/2009 Pacific time) because of continued vandalism. To the vandals, thanks a lot for locking everyone else out as well. If you need to make an edit to this page, make a comment here or leave me a comment on my userpage. —WilliamLewis
2010-07-08 22:18:24 I have tried to download the sidebar themes to my page, but to no success. Instead, the fonts just keep getting smaller and squished further together. any ideas? —KarenTaylor
2010-10-16 05:17:28 Is Wikispot capable of utilizing @font-face (HTML5) within CSS? I have tried setting up my wiki bom with an open font type "GraublauWeb" and can't get the font-face to load on Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. Thoughts?
Here are some of my resources:
2010-10-16 05:21:41 Wait... I just discovered the URL for the web font is dead. I have also tried uploading the .otf in the same spot as the style.css, etc. Hmm... —todd.d.robbins
I think that'll work. Just use the right URL. instead of use and maybe try —PhilipNeustrom
2011-07-17 19:39:03 COMMUNISTS!!! —