Describe Users/RobertTruslow here.
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Hi Robert, and welcome to the wiki. I'm cross-posting this from your profile on the Davis Wiki. It looks like William probably deleted the CityOfWoburn page from the WikiSpot wiki because it wasn't the right place for it. It looks like you probably intended to
2010-11-29 19:49:59 Tom pretty much wrote what I was going to write to you. I'll just make a few points, then.
I didn't delete any message you wrote for me. You first left me a message on my userpage on the Davis Wiki. You then
left me a message on my wiki spot userpage. As you can see, both messages are still there.
Secondly, while Wiki Spot exists to host wikis for communities, that's not what this is about. You haven't created a wiki for your town. Right now, you're just editing this wiki, which is about the entire wiki spot project. If it doesn't have to do with wiki spot or a wiki spot wiki, it's off topic. If you create a wiki for Woburn, you're free to create a page about that wiki on this wiki. However, this wiki doesn't exist to talk about communities.
If you need any help setting up a wiki for your community, feel free to ask for help! I'm happy to give it.
Sorry for the misunderstanding! —WilliamLewis