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Fellow working on [wheatfield-backgreen]wheatfield-backgreen.


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Try [WWW] to get the wiki code. It's on the info page. —BrentLaabs

2008-08-18 13:07:45   If you use a *nix based operating system (Mac OSX, Linux, BSD, etc), I have a script that can do it quite nicely. —JabberWokky

2008-08-18 21:02:38   Mine is pretty similar; I just whipped it up really quickly before official backups were created, and haven't really played with it since the backups became available (they tend to be better anyway, as they have meta data). [WWW]

2008-08-19 16:24:10   If I officially release it, I'll add urlencode and also a "can't find it, use a (slower) script based replacement" fallback. The icon and directory entry is a standard. The cookies handling exists in some of my spot* utilities... this one just happens not to have it because I didn't need it. —JabberWokky

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