This is a static copy of the main site, preserved for historical purposes only. Please see this page for more information.

Site Organization


This is the central place for resources that help keep the wiki well-organized.

Making the wiki well-organized/good on a global scale

Keeping the wiki well-linked

Page Flags

These flags don't exist here yet. Should we add them? - YES!!
Some pages are flagged with the [[Include()]] macro to mark them as:

Misc metrics

Making individual pages better organized

If you have a lot of headings (which you should — they're great for breaking up big pages!), [[TableOfContents]] will generate a table of contents for the page based on the headings in the page (play with it).

So that means, given the current headers on this page, if I do [[TableOfContents]], I get:

  1. Making the wiki well-organized/good on a global scale
    1. Keeping the wiki well-linked
    2. Page Flags
    3. Misc metrics
  2. Making individual pages better organized

and those are links to those sections in the text. Nifty!

This is a Wiki Spot wiki. Wiki Spot is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps communities collaborate via wikis.