2013-2-26 wikispot.org and associated sites experienced many hours of downtime today. Technical details here. Everything should be back to normal now.
2012-12-16 wikispot.org has been experiencing intermittent sluggishness and lockups over the past day. We're currently investigating the cause.
2011-6-8 The SSL certificate on wikispot.org (and all associated sites) was just updated. There was a small window of an hour or so where some folks saw a browser SSL warning while this was fixed.
2011-02-28 There will be a planned 15 minute downtime tonight sometime between 8pm - 10pm (Pacific time, UTC-8) as the server is migrated.
2010-9-22 Expect slow performance across wikispot.org as we work to fix an urgent issue today and through tonight.
2010-9-14 wikispot.org will be down for up to two hours this evening for emergency database maintenance from around 12:00AM 2010-9-17 PDT until 2:00AM PDT.
2010-6-16 We were awarded a $350k grant to develop the
LocalWiki project! See
Also see our old site news, and @wikispot on Twitter.