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Presentations is a place to work on presentations about wikis. The goal would be to establish some resources for giving a presentation to a group of people who aren't familiar with the wiki in the hopes of encouraging some or all of them to become contributing members of one or more wikis.


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2007-09-14 06:04:04   I should probably do a little write-up for City Government and Chamber of Commerce (soon). —MasumiWatanabe

2007-09-20 16:06:51   JabberWokky and I were talking about a Sac/Yolo or Northern California get together to do a test run through the presentations and have a chance to work out the bugs. Then each of the people who want to give presentations can get their copies of the presentation and have an opportunity to team up for giving the presentations. I think that it represents the spirit of the wiki better of the presentation is given by more than one person. —JasonAller

2007-09-20 19:05:40   Great idea! I'm willing to help present. —CharlesMcLaughlin

This is a Wiki Spot wiki. Wiki Spot is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps communities collaborate via wikis.