We need to consider a formal cease and desist letter sent to the dang essay company that has been aggressively spamming every wiki. Something that makes it clear that further spam will be prosecuted as criminal computer trespass. They have a tangled web of cover companies, so I'm not sure if they are a US firm or have a US presence that will allow for an easy C&D process. However they account for over 50% of all interwiki spam, and are slowly adding new links to all wikis. They are the single major source of spam for Wiki Spot. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
I complete agree Evan...it's getting out of hand —I just deleted davis2 from IthacaWiki. -PeteB
We can actually globally ban accounts. List accounts that are spamming repeatedly here and they'll be banned. Oh, and some more info on these guys. —WilliamLewis
Accounts to be banned
http://wikispot.org/Users/Carolin2?action=userinfo edited reciva-users wiki
Banned accounts
http://wikispot.org/Users/link?action=userinfo — A link spammer that uses some of the same ISPs as the essay spam folk