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Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID)

Pilot Project for PXI High School , February/March 2011

This WIKI is designed to offer a concept as well as a venue for sharing observations and insights regarding the use of feedback to improve student learning.


Designed to provide formative feedback while a course is in progress, SGID provides teachers with students' perceptions of their learning as opposed to measuring content knowledge. SGID is a formative assessment tool. The benefits are, of course, that the teacher has an opportunity to modify instruction based on student need and perception and students are given not only an opportunity to voice their perceptions but the possibility of responsible change while they are in the process of learning. While observations tend to highlight areas for improvement, SGID also highlights what students believe are helping them to learn. This gives teachers valuable insight into what is working, what techniques might be continued or enhanced to improve learning.The process is varied depending on student age and individual school frameworks for learning. Variations can be found via the internet by searching Small Group Istructional Diagnosis.


Dialogue with the teacher prior to observation to review lesson goals and SGID process.

Observe once without intervention or interaction. This goal of this observation can be to gauge student/teacher relationship, student behavior, classroom management echniques of the teacher or any facet of the learning process the teacher for which the teacher has asked for feedback.

Predetemined time will be provided at the end of the second classroom observation. Teacher will leave the classroom and students will be asked to do the following:

Observer will process generally with students.

Information is presented in dialogue with teacher at a later meeting.


SGID can be performed within departments by chairs or peers.
SGID can be used for interim observation in the school's observation cycle.
SGID can be performed at the request of any teacher at any time during the grading period.


Best Qualities: 1. Uses creative activities 2. Create ways to share ideas so that a staff member could move up the ladder. 3. Gives ideas to help them operate smoothly. 4. Request them to learn new skills 5. Make sure they know the nature of their business

1. Give examples of specific things your teacher does that help you to learn.
2. Give examples of thing that sometimes make it difficult for you to learn in class.
3. Suggest practical changes that your teacher could make that would help improve learning in this class.

Class 1:

1.Power Points and games help reinforce student learning.
2.Too many visual distractions in the room inhibits concentration (posters, student projects, displayed, rules chart, etc.)
3.Study guides would be helpful for test preparation.

Class 2:

1. Good notes provided by teacher (lots of detail).
2. Students seated in a circle is too distracting. Students notice everthing that might happen with other students.
3. Individual desks as opposed to tables or circle seating might enhance learning


Younger students recognize their own distractibility. Possibly a carry over from more structure in grade school. Should the classroom set up seek to minimize distractions or should the learning process include management that addresses self-regulation?

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