This is a static copy of the main site, preserved for historical purposes only. Please see this page for more information.



  1. Snippet Collection
    1. Type of Snippet
      1. 1 GetBalance
      2. 2 GetDue
      3. 3 TransactionDate Lower than PayDate
    2. Subheading 2
  2. Heading 2
    1. Subheading 1
    2. Subheading 2
  3. Heading 3
    1. Subheading 1
    2. Subheading 2
  4. Heading 4

Snippet Collection

DSum("NewCredit","tblReceivables","TransactionID = " & [TransactionID] & " AND ReceivableID <= " & [ReceivableID])-nz(DSum("Debit","tblReceivables","TransactionID = " & [TransactionID] & " AND ReceivableID <= " & [ReceivableID] & " AND [PayDate] is not null"),0)

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

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