Dalhousie Anime Club (DAC)
DAC logo created by T, one of our members.
A club created by mavericks, Yousef and Andrew at Dalhousie University for individuals interested in the delightful art of Japanese Animation (Anime). If you never heard of anime check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime to learn more or contact us at dalhousieanimeclub@gmail.com for details on what we do. We are unique in many ways, visit us at
http://www.dalanime.com to find out more!
Why Join?
Come out for a meeting and see for yourself usually we meet on Fridays 7 pm Room 302, SUB. We provide complementary snacks, usually loaded with sugar, and soda. Everyone is welcome! A schedule will be posted shortly.
Who Can Join?
Anyone in the Halifax community is welcome, you do not have to be a student to join!