This is a basic page tracking past media mentions and plans for future publicity.
As it stands, Wiki Spot hasn't been promoted at all more or less anywhere :P Let's change that!
Media mentions
Sacramento Wiki article — mentions Wiki Spot organization / relationship.
Places we should promote ourselves to
Internet media is the easiest:
Wiki-centric places — easy to get listed, but also the least amount of diversity. People looking at these sort of places are likely to just be technical folks who are interested in wikis. Nevertheless, it's useful:
We're listed on the
Comparison of wiki farms on the wikipedia.
WikiMatrix — submit entry for Wiki Spot? Done — Jason Aller 5/26/2007
Wiki Spot entry could use updated screen shots
Wiki Index — submitted entry for Wiki Spot and add to relevant categories (
hosting /
The entry could use some help, though!
open source cms — maybe the wrong crowd (communities that Wiki Spot helps likely aren't looking for what they'd call a content management system), but might as well?
WikiFarms — we're listed here.
Post to wiki LJ community ( Done:
Open Directory project ( — submitted for
this category, I believe. Submission takes a while. 2007-7-15: We are still not in the dmoz! Possibilities: the category is abandoned, someone doesn't want us in it? Someone should sign up to be an editor for the category so that we get included.
What technology or community-related websites do you read often? We should aim to be "in the radar," so to speak.
Geek news: (submitted 6pm sunday night), (
submitted here), (
submitted here), (submitted an writeup sept 4th). Need good "title" for the submission. Has to ring well, not be spammy, and catch your eye..
Email xapian list to tell them we're using xapian for all of Wiki Spot. Done:
message here
Email wikipedia community lists — find which would be the most valuable. Summary of project, goals, and work we've done so far. Many folks would find our project to align with their philosophies, I think. Done, mostly:
email sent to wikipedia-l list
Materials useful for promotion
2007-05-10 Press_Release has some newsworthy material (10,000 pages on Davis, won an award) that could make a good segway into Wiki Spot an email to a media source.
Press Release written prior to launch — snippets could be useful in emails.