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WNJ - Ultimus Tips and Tricks



This page was designed to help you with some Tips and Tricks using Ultimus.

I submitted a new client/matter, but my numbers still are not showing up. Why Not?
Most times, the new client/matter is waiting for someone. You can check the status of where your task is by doing the following:

  1. In Ultimus, click and highlight the incident

  2. Then click on the Incident Status Button


  1. The screen will tell you where the incident is waiting


I’d like to view the original Intake Form that I entered in Ultimus – Can I?
Yes – As long as the new client/matter was created with Ultimus.

  1. Go to WIN, then click on Firm Resources, then Accounting, Records, and Docket

  2. Search for the client/matter

  3. If the forms are available, you will see a link that says “Intake Forms”


I am going to be out of the office – Can I assign my Ultimus tasks to someone else?
Yes. You have 2 steps you need to complete. First, you have to add the person as an "associate":

  1. Click on the button that says “User Preferences”

Now that you have added the person as an Associate, you now need assign the tasks



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