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Hello, my name is John Martin and I am a teacher with AllPrep Academy in Clackamas, Oregon.
This area is for my students who are working with our math program in OdysseyWare.
Please feel free to email if you have any questions!!
Pre-Algebra: Below are the names of 10 units for the course'

Unit 1: THE REAL NUMBER SYSTEM Lesson 1. Subsets of the Real Number System [WWW]
Lesson 2. Using Variables [WWW]
Lesson 3. The Number Line
Lesson 4. Comparing Rational Numbers
Quiz 5. Quiz 1: Relationships
Lesson 8. Properties of the Real Numbers [WWW]
Lesson 9. Exponents [WWW]
Lesson 10. Scientific Notation [WWW]
Quiz 11. Quiz 2: Other Forms
Lesson 14. Square Roots [WWW]
Lesson 15. Order of Operations [WWW]
Quiz 16. Quiz 3: Simplifying
Test 21. Test


Lesson 2. Solving One-Step Equations [WWW]
Lesson 3. Solving Two-Step Equations [WWW]
Quiz 4. Quiz 1: Equations with Real Numbers
Lesson 7. Relations and Functions [WWW]
Lesson 8. Functions
Lesson 9. Analyzing Graphs
Quiz 10. Quiz 2: Functions
Lesson 13. Addition of Integers []
Lesson 14. Subtraction of Integers []
Lesson 15. Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Lesson 16. Evaluating Expressions []
Quiz 17. Quiz 3: Integers
Lesson 20. Graphing []
Lesson 21. One-Step Equations
Lesson 22. Two-Step Equations
Lesson 23. Problem Solving
Quiz 24. Quiz 4: Modeling with Integers
Test 29. Test
Unit 3:
Lesson 1. Prime Factorization and the GCF [WWW]
Lesson 2. Simplifying Fractions
Lesson 3. The LCM and the LCD
Quiz 4. Quiz 1: Number Theory
Lesson 7. Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
Lesson 8. Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
Lesson 9. Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers
Lesson 10. Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Lesson 11. Multiplying and Dividing Decimal Numbers
Quiz 12. Quiz 2: Solving Problems with Rational Numbers
Lesson 15. One-Step Addition and Subtraction Equations [WWW]
Lesson 16. One-Step Multiplication and Division Equations [WWW]
Lesson 17. Two-Step Equations [WWW]
Lesson 18. One-Step Inequalities []
Lesson 19. Two-Step Inequalities []
Quiz 20. Quiz 3: Solving Equations and Inequalities
Test 25. Test

Lesson 1. Proportions
Lesson 2. Applications
Lesson 3. Direct Variation
Quiz 4. Quiz 1: Proportions
Lesson 7. Fraction, Percent and Decimal Equivalents
Lesson 8. Solving Percent Problems
Lesson 9. Applications []
Lesson 10. More Applications []
Quiz 11. Quiz 2: Percents
Lesson 14. Unit Conversion within Customary Units
Lesson 15. Unit Conversion within Metric Units
Lesson 16. Corresponding Parts
Lesson 17. Indirect Measure []
Lesson 18. Models and Scales []
Quiz 19. Quiz 3: Measurement/Similar Figures
Test 26. Test




Algebra: Below are the names of 10 units for the course'
Unit 1: Foundations of Algebra
Lesson 1. Variables and Expressions
Lesson 2. Exponents and Order of Operations [WWW]
Lesson 3. Evaluating Expressions
Quiz 4. Quiz 1: The Language of Algebra
Lesson 5. Classifying and Comparing Numbers
Lesson 6. Decimal-Fraction Conversions
Lesson 7. Fractions
Lesson 8. Adding and Subtracting Signed Numbers
Lesson 9. Multiplying and Dividing Signed Numbers
Lesson 10. Absolute Value
Quiz 11. Quiz 2: The Real Numbers
Lesson 12. Commutative and Associative Properties
Lesson 13. Distributive Property
Lesson 14. Simplifying Expressions
Quiz 15. Quiz 3: Properties of the Real Numbers
Project 16. Special Project
Lesson 17. Review
Test 18. Test
Unit 2: Linear Equations

  1. Open Sentences

Lesson 2. Addition Property of Equality
Lesson 3. Multiplication Property of Equality
Lesson 4. Two-Step Equations
Quiz 5. Quiz 1: Solving Equations
Lesson 6. Variables on Both Sides
Lesson 7. Combining Like Terms
Lesson 8. The Distributive Property
Lesson 9. Literal Equations
Quiz 10. Quiz 2: Multi-Step Equations
Lesson 11. Writing Equations from Word Problems [WWW]
Lesson 12. Two Unknowns
Lesson 13. More than Two Unknowns
Lesson 14. Using a Chart
Quiz 15. Quiz 3: Word Problems
Lesson 16. Percent Problems
Lesson 17. Mixture and Interest Problems
Quiz 18. Quiz 4: Mixture and Investment Problems

Test 21. Test

Unit 3: Functions

  1. Prime Factorization and the GCF

Lesson 2. Simplifying Fractions
Lesson 3. The LCM and the LCD
Quiz 4. Quiz 1: Number Theory
Lesson 7. Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
Lesson 8. Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
Lesson 9. Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers
Lesson 10. Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Lesson 11. Multiplying and Dividing Decimal Numbers
Quiz 12. Quiz 2: Solving Problems with Rational Numbers
Lesson 15. One-Step Addition and Subtraction Equations
Lesson 16. One-Step Multiplication and Division Equations
Lesson 17. Two-Step Equations
Lesson 18. One-Step Inequalities
Lesson 19. Two-Step Inequalities
Quiz 20. Quiz 3: Solving Equations and Inequalities

Test 25. Test

Unit 4: Inequalities
Lesson 1. Proportions
Lesson 2. Applications
Lesson 3. Direct Variation
Quiz 4. Quiz 1: Proportions
Lesson 7. Fraction, Percent and Decimal Equivalents
Lesson 8. Solving Percent Problems
Lesson 9. Applications
Lesson 10. More Applications
Quiz 11. Quiz 2: Percents
Lesson 14. Unit Conversion within Customary Units
Lesson 15. Unit Conversion within Metric Units
Lesson 16. Corresponding Parts
Lesson 17. Indirect Measure
Lesson 18. Models and Scales
Quiz 19. Quiz 3: Measurement/Similar Figures

Test 26. Test

Unit 5: Linear Systems
Lesson 1. Rewriting Equations
Lesson 2. Combine Like Terms
Lesson 3. Solving Equations by Combining Like Terms
Lesson 4. Distributive Property
Lesson 5. Solving Equations with Distributive Property
Quiz 6. Quiz 1: Solving Equations
Lesson 9. Slope
Lesson 10. Using Intercepts
Lesson 11. Slope-Intercept Form
Lesson 12. More Slope-Intercept Form
Lesson 13. Non-Linear Functions
Quiz 14. Quiz 2: Families of Functions
Lesson 17. Patterns and Arithmetic Sequences
Lesson 18. Geometric Sequences
Lesson 19. Exponential Sequences
Lesson 20. Recursive Sequences
Quiz 21. Quiz 3: Patterns
Test 26. Test

Unit 6: Polynomials

Unit 7: Exponential and Radical Functions

Unit 8: Quadratics

Unit 9: Rational Expressions

Unit 10: Probability and Statistics

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