Gloria Graves
Marie Robinson
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I moved to Northeast Greensboro in November of 1963. That was the year that president Kennedy was assinated. I was working at Wesley Long Hospital. I Left there and I went to L. Richardson Hospital for a short time.So cut the long story short.I got Married and the rest is history.We were married for over forty years until my husbands death.We have one wonderful son.I was here when they had the Woolworth set in,downtown.The Post Office was on the old Market Street. I was told that back in the day you con,t go all the way downtown. When I starting working at Lorillard Things has gotton much better.We all ate in the same cafeteria.
Back in the day , you con't do that.Their were some jobs that were not allow to do.We were put on all the hard jobs. So latter on we got a union, that help us to get better job.
What I mean by that is , we got higher paying jobs.
Mary Lowdermilk lowdermilk,
I was a college student at North Carolina A@T. It was exciting because I got married and traveled the world with my husband. It was exciting to travel around the world and see places. A lot of things were going on here in norteast greensboro. The Greensboro Four were my classsmates, and Jessie Jackson was the class president. I have seen a lot of changes. The streets were all dirt and gravel. There have been a lot of changes in the landscape and buildings.
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I moved to Northeast Greensboro in November of 1963. That was the year that president Kennedy was assinated. I was working at Wesley Long Hospital. I Left there and I went to L. Richardson Hospital for a short time.So cut the long story short.I got Married and the rest is history.We were married for over forty years until my husbands death.We have one wonderful son.I was here when they had the Woolworth set in,downtown.The Post Office was on the old Market Street. I was told that back in the day you con,t go all the way downt
Mary Lowdermilk
I was a college student at North Carolina A@T. It was exciting because I got married and traveled the world with my husband. It was exciting to travel around the world and see places. A lot of things were going on here in norteast greensboro. The Greensboro Four were my classsmates, and Jessie Jackson was the class president. I have seen a lot of changes. The streets were all dirt and gravel. There have been a lot of changes in the landscape and buildings. All of the downtown stores for the most part moved out into the malls. Most of the eating places moved out there also, especially the better restaurants. Even Sears and Roebuck moved out from green street. Now we have the baseball stadium in the so called downtown, and also other places of entertainment. The churches also have changed a lot, most of them are larger. Woodmere Park area was nothing but woods. Even the bus station moved out from the downtown and the train station has been renovated, and the airport contiues to spread out for it used to be a very small place.
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Moved here in 1966. I have had great experiences good and bad.My first job was at Kings Inn Restaurant on Elm Street. My second job was Cone Hospital. I with my aunt and uncle. After 4 years I got my on apartment. I needed the experience of being out on my on. and facing responsibilities. Jobs were plentiful way back then..My last job was Cone MillsIndustriial.This was a production job.They made demin material all colors. This was for blue jeans. I was taught to fill battiers, clean oil, sweep and weave. Weaving was the most challenger job I had ever been on.I worked at Cone Mill for 42 years. While working there I have brought a home.I thank god for all off my job's.From 1966 to now everything has changed.Job's are not plentiful. But Cone Mills is still
Arvesta Garland
I moved to greensboro in 2012. I only knew one family. I am slowly learning the city.I have visited the black museum .I found a wonderful church and have met some of my schoolmates. there I joined the Ymca I was in new york when the twin tower swas bombed.
I have visited newyork several times.I am retired and i am very happy here . I have had two accidents since i moved here.It was awful idont anything about greensboro.I worked .in electronics.s was I was in new york when the tower was boomed.It was a very frighting time. The ashes coverd from miles around.
moved to north east in 1967 purchased a home.did notherknow anyone,since tht time north has grown. Inever worked always a homemaker.met my friend Ann.acuhhhross the street all you couldsee was thereis a park pave,r
Freda Howell
Born and raised in greensboro. went to James Benson Dudley High School. Went to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University