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After learning about World War One and World War two it is evident that there were distinct actions that lead to the formation of alliences and one sides victories and defeats. Furthermore, both of these conflicts had specific outcomes that have changed the course of history as we know it. When comparing World War One and World War Two, we have to realize that in the course of time, there were weaponds and armor created, as well as land marks and intelligence. The theories that came out of World War One helped lead to the path of thinking in World War Two. WWII was the biggest war in history, creating the most damage and having the most effect. There were many events leading up to it, many parties involved, and since it was knows as a "battle of technology" of course there was also many, many great minds going into the bombs and guns used in this war.

World War Two

There were many events leading up to World War Two, one being the Treaty of Versailles. This Treaty of Versailles was a peace statement after World War One, to bring the countries back together. This treaty was good in a lot of ways because now all the countries were even, and there would be no more war. Some prominant people did not like this treaty because they thought Germany should pay for what it destroyed. This started World War Two when Germany did not want to pay back the millions of dollars to help get other countries out of debt. The second event leading up to World War Two was the Great Depression. This was invovled with the stock market crash, and it really affected people all over the world. America is such a big producer and if their economy is not stable, then other countries don't have a place to get their goods and soon all economies will be unstable. This started fighting since there was no one to blame for the loss of money. Another big event that started the fighting for World War Two was the holocaust. The holocaust was a huge event in which eleven million people died. Hitler was the cause of the holocaust, and since he wanted the jew religion to cease, others had to get involve in fighting him before he got to much power to assentially rule the world.

There were many involving countries in World War Two. The ones that were allies were...
~ Australia
~ Brazil
~ Canada
~ Newfoundland
~ New Zealand
~ South Africa
~ Soviet Union (from June 1941)
~ United Kingdom
~ United States (from December 1941)

There were many, many supporters in the war, but

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