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Credentials: MBA

Birthday: May 29 - Gemini

Profession: Management

History in Davis: Unbeknownst to his family he followed them from Central California when they moved to Davis 1969, stowing away in their 1966 VW Van, using baggage they unwittingly packed to shield his presence. Luckily, with multiple children and numerous mouths to feed, he blended into the family crowd, largely unnoticed except for brief periods of time on baseball fields and golf courses. After graduating high school he attended college in Sacramento, then inexplicably, in the spring of 1997 he continued his northern migration as spring sprung upon Davisites of all configurations. Far north in Seattle he found big waters and all things green (especially mosses and trees) so he landed and resumed life in a more earthbound and semi aquatic form. After 16 chronically soggy years he remembered inland California boasted beaucoup sunshine, dryer weather, and that Davis, CA is one the greatest place on earth, plus it has a great food co-op and farmers market. So he moved back to Davis in April 2013 after a year layover in Oregon exploring coastal living...and an adventure into the weird-ities of Portland living, which was inexplicably awesome, but nonetheless, still very damp.

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