Hello there Davis!
OK I just updated all my info on Facebook and I don't feel like starting from scratch again. Let's see what I wrote there. I will put that at the end of this profile.
Well in any case, there are a couple of things I'd like you to know.
Every Monday (with rare exceptions) all year long The Floor Hockey Group plays floor hockey at 7 p.m. in Sacramento. This is a friendly, social game based on speed, skill and teamwork but not brute strength. The goal is to have a great time, meet some people, get a fabulous workout, and improve your floor hockey skills. We make new teams every week. It is a pickup game, not a league. Rule #1 is, "No Pushing!" That is for a few reasons. It keeps the game friendly, it cuts down on injuries, and it's easy for everybody to understand and play by.
The equipment is all provided although you are welcome to bring your own.
There is a $5 suggested donation which goes straight to our host.
By playing you agree to assume all risks, direct and indirect, regardless of the cause and indemnify me, The Floor Hockey Group, our host, and anybody associated with them from all responsibility for injury. By playing you agree that the maximum you can recover in the event you are injured is your $5 suggested donation. (Yes I have friends who are lawyers!) But relax. People do not get hurt playing this game. We have a great time. Where else can you have 2 hours of a fantastic cardio workout, some pain free competition, a friendly game and so on for only $5?!
For more information including some short videos of us playing see my website, http://www.sacramentofloorhockey.com.
For full details about the game please write to me at beasley_reece@sbcglobal.net
The other thing is politics. Our world is under attack, not from Islamic terrorists but from white collar terrorists located in Washington, D.C. and the corporations that control them. Please see the website of Davis 9/11 Truth, which is http://www.davis911truth.org
We are bringing a well known speaker, Prof. Steven Jones, to Davis on Friday May 1 to talk about his latest findings which were recently published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. You will likely learn a lot from this presentation. There will be a Q and A period afterward. The event is on campus at UC Davis, 1100 Social Sciences Building, and begins at 7 p.m. Prof. Jones will also speak on the same topic on Thursday, April 30 in Sacramento. That event will be at the same time but at the Colonial Heights branch of the Sacramento Public Library. You can find more info about this. I have a flyer and I'll be glad to send it to you.
From my facebook page:
Reading, learning, educating myself, talking to interesting people, playinig floor hockey, hiking, dining, gardening, grassroots campaigns for local and national issues. Raising hell.
Politics. Davis 9/11 Truth and the national 9/11 Truth movement. See http://www.davis911truth.org and other sites such as
http://www.911sharethetruth.com, and
http://www.911truth.org. Do a search for names such as David Ray Griffin, Steven E. Jones, and the movie "9/11 Mysteries".
The government killed those 3,000 people on 9/11. Believe it or remain deceived, manipulated and in denial. There is currently a petition drive going to put an initiative on the ballot in New York City which would create an independent (and independently funded) commission empowered to do a real investigation of 9/11. See their website www.nyccan.org
Favorite movies
There is going to be a movie about The Three Stooges. Woo hooooo! They are my heroes and I've been their fan since about age 6. My favorite movie shorts (short subject presentations, they called them) are all Three Stooges movies.
Other than that, I am cinematically challenged.
Favorite books
Confessions of an Economic Hitman and The Secret History of the American Empire, both by John Perkins
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The New Pearl Harbor and other books by David Ray Griffin
Blood Covenant by Michael Franzese
Prescription for the Planet: The Painless Remedy for our Energy and Environmental Crises.
This book describes, among other things, an already developed technology (courtesy of the Argonne National Laboratories in Idaho and Illinois, from 1984 - 1994) technology for safely creating electricity from nuclear power. This is a different technology from the currently used system, called light water reactors.
You can read the first part of the book on line at http://www.prescriptionfortheplanet.com
Favorite quotations
"Not can of peas, can of peas?! One of us is crazy and it's not you!" Larry Fine
About me
Freedom. Peace. Satisfaction. Challenge. Fun. Some exercise once in a while. Good food. Think for yourself.