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Describe Users/JefferyGalle here.
Ready for INQ seminar: activities, calendar, goals, content, articles, projects, flip vid
Syllabus for 185 class; read first book; Mary Moser for days I will be absent
AACU Feb: paper, ppt, involve Diana Chen, Joey’s part; INQ
AACU Jan: 7 slides ppt or more; pgph for Virginia;
Creative nonfiction outline book; articles; 2 completed creative nonfiction essays
Kaleidoscope article
Correct AEQ Leadership and resubmit; Revised Leadership article
DTS article
Daniel Ledford recs; Andrew Hookum rec; check on Gabrielle rec;
$$ from OUCP for sustainability initiative: think PAL seminar next fall
ACE for Joey
Old leadership article and the request for secretary pgph
Texts for directed study for Vikram and Carlos
High Impact Practices article
Kaleidoscope teaching metaphor article
2 book reviews
PAL readings

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