Hey guys. Your wiki is here. You're currently editing the wiki for the wiki spot project and your stuff here is off topic. Please move it over to your wiki! Thanks! —WilliamLewis
This is a web based page for BA 174.. to collaborate....
I am adding a list of reference sites for each of us to review...
04/20/11 - This is Daovy.. I am trying to figure out how to work this.
Here is the material we discussed Monday during our group discussion..
The Offer: Transportation for elderly & disabled. No products.
Target Market: Elderly & disabled.
Production Capability: Pre-register, brochures @ medical offices, radio, internet, ads, phone book, newspapers, service will go to them, appointment only.
Competitve Advantage-
The Offer: Price, cheaper than other transporation, safer than taxi, medically trained, specialized in area, skilled drivers.
Target Market: blank
Production Capability: blank
Pugetsoundcabulance.com — $30/pick up $30/mi. Send bill to insurance for reimbursement.
We still need to get together and work on our packet along with figuring out what our mission statement should be.
missionstatements.com is a site to go to if anyone didn't write it down. : )
Hi Daovy, check the time now. (jeff)
I'm going to try to download a Competitive Analysis. —JeffreyLHill
Competitive Analysis.docx
Competitive Analysis.docx1
Hey, it's Eric just checking in with everyone. I will look at this in more detail in the days to come.