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Gayla's First WIKI

I'm excited to be creating a WIKI, for I never thought I would have a reason to build one. Now that I'm in a class that requires it as part of the assignments, it's time to "get with the times."


No content yet, but I will be adding it .... check back later in the semester to see what's new!


I anticipate adding links to:

My school district: [Savannah-Chatham Public Schools]

My professional association: [American School Counselors Association (ASCA)]

The [Children's Holocaust Museum] in [Whitwell, TN] (my hometown)

[Middle Tennessee State University], where I earned a bachelor's in English

[University of Nevada, Las Vegas], where I earned my master's in counseling

[Georgia Southern University] in Statesboro, where I am enrolled as an Ed.S. student (teaching and learnig with an emphasis in reading)


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2010-01-23 20:05:42   Your wiki is [gaylabaker]here. This page isn't it. It also looks like you've created your wiki for your personal use and not that of a community, which violates our Community guidelines. If this is the case, I ask that you delete your wiki by going to [gaylabaker]Wiki Settings/General, clicking on the "Delete this wiki" button at the bottom of the page, and clicking "Save settings." If I am mistaken and your wiki is intended for a community, could you please identify which community you intend to serve? —WilliamLewis

This is a Wiki Spot wiki. Wiki Spot is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps communities collaborate via wikis.