Bright Star (lyrics by SheDaisy)
Come Home SoonElly doesn’t really want to make one of these, but seeing as it’s an assignment for a class, she must. Thus, in order that she doesn’t completely fail this class, she’s gotten over the distress of having to talk about herself and just put this page together.
After two quarters of computer science engineering as her major, Elly found that computer programming just wasn’t her thing. So, in order to ensure she never had to do any math again, she’s decided to change her major to graphic design. Since said decision was made, Elly’s happiness has increased exponentially.
In addition to creating such beautiful artworks as this [left] in photoshop (:P), Elly also enjoys drawing and sketching [right]. In high school, she was featured in the state fair a number of times, taking first, second, and third place several times (not to brag or anything). Elly also enjoys journaling, taking pictures at odd angles, and reading books far beneath her reading level.
Years ago, Elly became a student ambassador to Australia, and remains one today. She holds this trip close to her heart because she views it as the last gift given to her from her favorite teacher who meant the world to her. She thanks Mrs. Rose for showing her how to truly “” and for being the most influential teacher from whom Elly has had the privilege of learning; she misses you dearly, Mrs. Rose.
During the summer, Elly spends her time working as a nanny to two amazing kids and babysitting for kids who she couldn’t adore more if she tried. As much as Elly loves her jobs, she gets drained from working the regular 11-hour days. However, she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
As of now, Elly’s counting the days until summer, when she’ll be able to go boating, spend time with her best friends, draw, read, work, make money, attend her cousin’s wedding, and bask in the glory of the sun.
Next year, Elly looks forward to taking design classes, moving into an apartment with some of her best friends, and getting to unleash her creative being.