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ChrisLambertus.jpgChris With Meat Chris is:

A [woodland]Woodlander working in [davis]Davis. UNIX Sysadmin. Windows Sysadmin. Chef. Mechanic. Guitarist. Bassist. Player of myriad other stringed and wind instruments. Lover of BBQ, beer, ping pong, and ROCK.

Frequently found lurking in the mysterious central core of [davis]Tupper Hall. His name may even be affixed near a door in there someplace. Contrary to popular belief, he will not turn into [WWW]Lou Ferrigno if you say hello to him.

A huge fan of [davis]Chinese Cuisine and has a special place in his grinchy heart for [davis]Hometown Chinese Food, [davis]House of Chang and [davis]Shanghai Town. He freekin loves [davis]Red Orchid Restaurant as he has a neurological condition that causes him to crave [davis]Dim Sum 24/7, and [davis]Red Orchid Restaurant is the closest and highest quality.

Not very talkative, but likes it when people talk to him.

Looking for musicians - female vocalists, guitarists, percussion.


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ChrisLambertus's Statistics

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711unknown2008-07-30 06:51:28Users/ChrisLambertus

2008-07-19 19:44:52   So whats a good way to prepare raw hamburgers for many people before hand? —SunjeetBaadkar

2008-07-26 22:13:57   Any success in translating "南北和" yet? —[davis]Users/TheAmazingLarry

2008-07-29 21:39:57   Yes, kudos to Babblefish. Maybe someday it will translate all phrases as accurately. —[davis]Users/TheAmazingLarry

2008-08-02 23:55:33   If you can snag some dinner rolls from Costco or something of the sort, that'd be great. I'll comp you if its a bit much. —SunjeetBaadkar

2008-08-03 06:23:37   Are you bringing hamburger to the BBQ? I was planning on it, but saw you were bringing meat of some type. If you've got that covered already, I'll just bring the burger fixins. Edit: Oops, totally thought I was logged in! —JonathanLawton

2008-08-04 03:51:54   I'm just amused at this photo. —JenniferRutherford

2009-11-24 05:20:38   Hey man

Looks like it's been a while since you've wiki'd... but are you perhaps still looking for a guitarist? I'm still fairly new (<2 years) but I'm lookin' for some folks in the area to mess around with, just jam a bit

Let me know! (Email: —

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