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Calico Junction Sanctuary is a forever home for cats that are considered UN-adoptable . The Junction is the last hope for many of us. Our Humans provide a comfortable stable family life for all fur residents (we do have a few without, Dora the Bearded Dragon and our fishes).

Calico Junction Sanctuary advocates Spay/neutering to prevent overpopulation, A peaceful environment is provided to each of us. The Junction strives to educate the importance of Micro Chipping.

All animals deserve the best of care. A right to total happiness. A Healthy clean environment and Medical care when needed. This as everyone knows, cost money. Foster Care is a very positive option for many in need but, money is still needed for the caretakers too.

We want to help in the prevention of targeting felines as a detriment to wildlife. We are strongly opposed to abuse of ALL animals

Annie Spokescat on Facebook. Look forward to seeing you there soon. Nudges to all and Winkie Winkie!!!!

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