KDVS DJ/music nerd. Listen to my show, USSR Radio Sputnik, on Thursdays 8-10pm (sometimes we get partially pre-empted by sports, in which case, we start at about 9:15. It's annoying for you and frustrating for us...). You know me by my alias, Boris. Check out - the show and/or
- our blog. Along with my cohosts
- Big Sister and Natasha we play mainly 80's dance music. I like many, many other genres of music, however. My other rock-related blog is
- here.
Avid cyclist, backpacker, concert/house-show goer, nature lover, photographer, artist, writer, social thinker, satirist and movie-goer.
Currently a senior at UCD, transferred from Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz (aka Davis on the ocean).
You've probably seen me and don't even know it, it's quite possible I have the shiniest bicycle in Davis. Chrome baby, Chrome!