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Welcome to my userpage. My wiki is pretty new, and I'm still getting the framework (policies, help pages, FAQ, etc.) set up. I'm also doing some seeding when time permits, and I hope to be able to go fully public soon. Feel free to post a comment or question below. Thanks. —Alderman


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2009-09-09 13:11:02   If you don't have a solution by Saturday night, leave me a message on my user entry (it sends me a message like this edit sent you a message), and I'll knock out a footnotes fix for you on Sunday. —[gnome]Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards

2009-09-17 15:52:06   Both incredibly pressing real life work and sudden, startling wiki idiocy. The hidden problem with people being vandals or crazy on their wiki is that it sucks up the time of volunteers who would otherwise be doing something constructive... like helping a new wiki with advanced features. :) I'm nearly two weeks behind on deadlines with my business at this point, due to servers suffering hardware failure and unanticipated last minute changes from clients. It happens, but until I get done, I'm swamped. Luckily, I'm about a day or so away from being finished (assuming no more emergencies!). I haven't forgotten you: you're just on the top of my "non-urgent" list, but that urgent list has been my waking life for the last few weeks. —JabberWokky

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