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My four Children are called: Emmet , Jasper, Tyler & Luna


♥ Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us and they can try like hell to put out that flame but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be, they don't stand a chance ♥

♥ I had a goal, I had a dream... and at the end of the day no matter what people say to you as long as YOU know who you are as a person NOTHING else in the world matters ♥

♥ Rock and roll is about having a good time, so no matter where you are right now blast some music and forget about lifes problems ♥


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2011-03-21 16:56:36   That is so true :)

So glad I can call you my best friend, I hope I always am..

Jess <3 —ShannonLeighannSaunders

2011-03-21 16:57:03   Thankiieyyuu Jessimaca xx —ShannonLeighannSaunders

2011-03-21 21:33:42   Hewo! WOOOOSSSHHH! ♥

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