*What is the purpose of 'purple text' at right? It contains two links, the first of which, Chat with fellow editors in the Wiki Spot IRC channel, just reloads the page itself. Another one results in 'Sorry, but you need a Java'. Whence, I come to another question.
*What is the need to limit the external link protocols to `http`, `https`, `ftp`, `nntp`, `news`, `mailto`, `telnet`, and `file`? Why not to white-filter the colors and font sizes in wikipedia? The principle is obvious: only the most used must be permitted! The proper IRC protocol is `irc://`. Enable it, and the users who have IRC client installed will not need to additionally install java for linking the irc.freenode.net/wikispot directly. Yet, after recommended IRC clients to the user, you direct him to the java gate! May I use uncensored words here? Why do I need to install IRC if Java will be asked instead?
* This page is greatly redundant. What is the need to replicate the Wikipedia article here? Want the list a clients? — Give
reference! Out of 200 supplied, only two contain the information: the server and channel name!
* Among other redundancies are two references to davis. The first one, http://java.freenode.net/index.php?channel=daviswiki, seems obsolete: '503 Service Unavailable'.
Summary: the page is badly overloaded by useless text. I wanted to fix it, but I will not be able until irc:// linking is enabled. —ValentinTihhomirov